Welcome to Snoozecast.
The Podcast Designed to Help You Sleep.
Some people just fall asleep easily, without a care in the world. The rest of us must just have a lot on our minds. The good news is that Snoozecast gets you.
We make the podcast designed to help you fall asleep.
It can be tempting to watch a video or look at your phone when we don't feel quite ready for bed but we know we should be sleeping.
On Snoozecast, we read excerpts from public domain literature and occasionally original stories.
Try putting on a Snoozecast.
Snoozecast was created for people who need a little help falling asleep. Snoozecast is meant to be “low-stakes” content, Not so boring as to be intolerable, but boring enough that you won’t feel like you’re missing out if you fall asleep before the ending.
We pick excerpts for you so you don’t have to waste time thinking about what to listen to. They come out frequently enough that you shouldn’t get bored listening to the same one too many times, They start off being read at a normal, calm pace and by the end trail off and fade out.
Still skeptical? Don't take our word for it.
Anyway, who doesn’t like the idea of a bedtime story, regardless of age?
Let's Get Cozy : )

Designed specifically for you
With multiple genres to choose from and an ever-growing back catalog dating to 01/06/19, we are confident you'll find content you love and keep coming back to. Have a suggestion? Drop us a line. Don't believe us? Don't take our word for it...
Take your mind off of your racing thoughts from the day and put on a Snoozecast. Most users fall asleep in less then 15 minutes
"Seriously I listen to Snoozecast almost every night to give my brain something to focus on so I can let go of the perpetual to-do list running through my head"
Like most of our listeners, we've struggled with setting up a reliable sleep schedule -- that's why we've created Snoozecast.
Carefully Crafted with Love
We're always keen on making Snoozecast better. Send us an email at snoozecast@gmail.com to let us know how we are doing.